100% USA Mica

Look for the 100% USA Mica Label on Your Store Shelves.

100% USA Mica: Ethically and Responsibly Sourced from Hartwell, Georgia

Benefits of USA Mica


Absolutely No Child Labor

At the Hartwell, Georgia site, only highly trained and certified miners are employed or contracted to mine mica. Our employees each have an average of 20 years of work experience.


Regulated by the U.S. Federal Government

The Mining Safety and Health Association is a U.S. federal government agency under the Department of Labor. It was created to ensure safe and healthful work environments for all mines in the USA. The Hartwell mine is audited at least twice a year and audit results are publicly available.


Environmentally-Conscious Processes

Mining is a dirty job. At the Hartwell site, we minimize the environmental impact by:
  1. Using recycled water from an onsite pond
  2. Refilling mining plots and reforesting land
  3. Continuously improving processes to mine less and yield more



Easy Traceability, Highest Transparency

The Hartwell, Georgia is site is one of the few places to see mica mining and processing firsthand. We host several visitors every year to see and audit our mica mine. Bagging and tagging the mica, allows us to easily trace mica batches throughout the supply chain and to our customers.



Learn how our natural mica is sustainably sourced.

Download Presentation to Learn More

From Flake to Fabulous: How Mica Becomes a Part of Your Favorite Beauty Products

Mined in the USA

The Hartwell, Georgia mine is owned and operated by Sun Chemical. Mica flakes are mined from the ground, processed, and then bagged and tagged for easy tracing. Mica alone can be used as a filler for cosmetic formulations or sent to manufacturing sites to become sparkling effect pigments.

Manufactured in the USA

To become an effect pigment, mica is sent to one of our two manufacturing facilities – North Charleston, South Carolina or Peekskill, New York. Mica is poured into a reactor and coated with a combination of metal oxides and colorants to create a rainbow of sparkles and colors. 

Used Around the World

Let’s make a fabulous lipstick! Our effect pigments are shipped and used around the world in countless beauty products. The dazzling sparkle (and color) is created by mica-based effect pigments that originated in Hartwell, Georgia, USA.

Our Mica-Based Pigments Are Used for Several Industries


Add pearlescent effects and metallic shimmer to interior and exterior applications for the architectural, automotive and industrial coatings markets.


Boost color, texture and sparkle with natural and safe mica-based effect pigments for eyeshadow, lipstick, bath bombs, soap and nail polish.


Create innovative, eye-catching designs with interference mica pigments for household items, toys and electronics.


Use ethically sourced natural mica pigments for seed dressing, seed coating, fertilizer or non-crop applications.

Learn more about our natural mica sourced from the USA

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